Fair Game call to politicians: “Don’t let football’s future crumble”
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Fair Game call to politicians: “Don’t let football’s future crumble”

“There is no doubt that football is broken.

“It is a shame that the Bill has fallen, but this now represents an opportunity to address the serious flaws that were in it.

“We need a Bill that tackle the growing financial inequality in the game, that ensures the regulator is truly independent, and rewards well-run clubs.

“It is now up to the next Government to pick up the mantle and deliver a fairer future for football.

“For the sake of fans and clubs up and down the country we call on all parties to make a firm commitment that a new Bill is brought forward in the first session of a next government.

“Football’s future cannot be allowed to crumble.”

Niall Couper, CEO, Fair Game

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Kent clubs call on county’s MPs to be the saviour of football
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Kent clubs call on county’s MPs to be the saviour of football

“Our call to Tracey Crouch and Damian Collins – the two Kent MPs on the Committee – is be the heroes we know you can be. Help save football. And deliver for the fans and communities of Kent’s football clubs. Give the regulator the financial powers it needs to make a real difference.”

Niall Couper, CEO, Fair Game

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Now or never moment reached in push for fairer future for football
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Now or never moment reached in push for fairer future for football

“Vested interest needs to be kicked out the governance of football. The growing gap between football’s haves and have-nots needs to end. And clubs need the proper support to deliver the changes required.

“If a regulator is created without the appropriate bite, we will end up with a toothless body unfit for the purpose it was created.

“Now the onus is on the 17 members of the Football Governance Bill committee to ensure that these amendments are adopted into the final draft legislation.”

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Regulator will be left toothless if financial divide is not addressed
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Regulator will be left toothless if financial divide is not addressed

“Thanks entirely to the broadcasting deal, the gaps within and between divisions are growing wider and wider every year. To succeed on the pitch increasingly there is only one option - to overspend. And hope you come up trumps in the Russian Roulette that is modern-day football finance.”

Niall Couper, CEO, Fair Game

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Andy Burnham and Fair Game join forces to call for urgent change to Bill to protect FA Cup replays
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Andy Burnham and Fair Game join forces to call for urgent change to Bill to protect FA Cup replays

“Events of this season have led to rising concern amongst supporters at all levels that the football authorities are running the game in the interests of the few and not the many. If the new regulator is to be effective, it must be given powers to act to secure the health of the whole football pyramid.”

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Manchester, & Niall Couper, Fair Game CEO

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Fair Game’s new report exposes football’s failed financial flow
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Fair Game’s new report exposes football’s failed financial flow

“If the proposed football regulator is to achieve its No 1 objective of securing the financial sustainability of the game then it must take full control of football’s financial flow. Leaving it in the hands of the current football authorities, as the data proves, is the road to ruin,” said Niall Couper, CEO of Fair Game

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Decision to scrap Cup replays is ‘short-sighted and misguided’
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Decision to scrap Cup replays is ‘short-sighted and misguided’

“The move is yet another example why football needs a strong and independent regulator that can ensure the financial future of our game and control the rampant self-interest of the fat cats at the top of the Premier League,” said Niall Couper, CEO of Fair Game

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Fair Game calls for ‘extensive rewrite’ of Regulator’s financial powers
Gareth Arculus Gareth Arculus

Fair Game calls for ‘extensive rewrite’ of Regulator’s financial powers

“The Bill appears to absolve the regulator of any responsibility over financial flow. Only the Premier League or the EFL can propose a financial deal. The National League aren't even at the table. And as for fans and the communities clubs are based in they are not even in the footnotes. If the Regulator is going to achieve its primary objectives of achieving the financial sustainability of the football pyramid, then at first glance Part Six of the Bill [The distribution of Revenue] needs an extensive rewrite.” Mike Baker, Fair Game Director of Advocacy

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New dawn for football, but without power to intervene the regulator will be toothless, says Fair Game
Gareth Arculus Gareth Arculus

New dawn for football, but without power to intervene the regulator will be toothless, says Fair Game

“Financial stability has to be the key priority to support the pyramid and this is the overriding purpose of having an Independent Regulator. The regulator must have the power to step in and ensure any financial deal between the Premier League and the EFL delivers for the entire football pyramid. Football needs a fair financial flow. Without the power to intervene, it will be toothless from the start.” Mike Baker, Fair Game Director of Advocacy

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New report calls for environmental measures to be included in regulator’s remit
Gareth Arculus Gareth Arculus

New report calls for environmental measures to be included in regulator’s remit

Environmental measures are urgently needed within the Independent Regulator for English Football remit, before it’s too late.

“This is not only a responsibility but also an opportunity to showcase effective regulation and position English football as a global leader in tackling the climate emergency” - Steve Radley, Projects Director

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New report identifies the nine pillars needed to make independent regulator a success
Niall Couper Niall Couper

New report identifies the nine pillars needed to make independent regulator a success

Niall Couper, CEO of Fair Game, said:

“The regulator must be transparent, it must have teeth, and it must be able to ensure a fair financial flow that rewards well-run clubs. It can be done. Our report provides the template. It is now up to our politicians to deliver and ensure the game has the sustainability that well-run clubs, fans and communities desperately need.”

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Threat of European Super League shows need for better governance in football
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Threat of European Super League shows need for better governance in football

Niall Couper, CEO of Fair Game, said:

“The European Super League is not in the wider interests of the sport and undermines national leagues and grass roots football.  The devil is in the details, but what is essential is that such a venture cannot ever be allowed to pass.

It is now up to the incoming independent regulator to put the final nail in the coffin of the European Super League.”

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Fair Game joins Union of European Clubs
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Fair Game joins Union of European Clubs

Niall Couper, CEO of Fair Game, said:

“This is a fantastic piece of news. Today, Fair Game has been given the European stamp of approval, and our voice has grown dramatically overnight. This partnership is a real shot in the arm for those who want a fairer future for football.”

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Nottingham Forest had just five hours of reserves, according to Fair Game survey
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Nottingham Forest had just five hours of reserves, according to Fair Game survey

Niall Couper, CEO of Fair Game, said:

“It is now abundantly clear that football in England urgently needs a culture change and the regulator must be given full and comprehensive powers to deliver it. The current reliance on punishment has clearly failed. Overspending and financial recklessness remains commonplace.”

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Fair Game hails King’s Speech as ‘historic moment for football’
Niall Couper Niall Couper

Fair Game hails King’s Speech as ‘historic moment for football’

“Today’s announcement is a historic moment for football and represents a real chance to end the cycle of overspending and mismanagement that has plagued our National Game and threatened the very existence of our clubs.

"Right now clubs like Sheffield Wednesday, Reading and Scunthorpe United are staring into the abyss.

"There will be intense pressure to weaken the regulator’s remit at a time when proper protection and scrutiny of our National Game is needed more than ever.

“Those tasked with setting up the regulator must resist that pressure and remain laser-focused to deliver a fairer future for football and the culture change the sport desperately needs.

“Reckless spending, disconnect between clubs and their communities, and lip service to equality standards must be consigned to the rubbish bin of history. This transformation can only be achieved if the regulator has the teeth and resources to deliver.”

Niall Couper

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